08 January 2007

A great story!

I am currently very busy reading other blogs trying to make sure the ad's on fuelmyblog aren't spam, I came across this blog (not yet an advert) and it made me think. Take a look!


In summary, all about cooking up and eating rats!!

Have a look and leave me a comment!

1 comment:

Sweetpea said...

I know China has this dish and although I haven't personally tried it, my mum has been conned into eating it. The rats are one of the many 'delicacies' together with dogs, bats, worms and eels. The rats and eel are cooked in a hotpot during winter with some wine to keep warm. It is also known that the rats keeps their hair lustrous and black.

My mum was comforted after finding out what she was actually eating, they claim these rats are from the farms and only eat grains. Or not?!